
To read a packet, one uses the subroutine:

int bnet_recv(BSOCK *sock) This routine is similar to a read() except that it handles the low level details. bnet_read() first reads packet length that follows as four bytes in network byte order. The data is read into sock-msg and is sock-msglen bytes. If the sock-msg is not large enough, bnet_recv() realloc() the buffer. It will return an error (-2) if maxbytes is less than the record size sent. It returns:

 * Returns number of bytes read
 * Returns 0 on end of file
 * Returns -1 on hard end of file (i.e. network connection close)
 * Returns -2 on error

It should be noted that bnet_recv() is a blocking read.

Kern Sibbald 2013-08-18