

The term Migration, as used in the context of Bacula, means moving data from one Volume to another. In particular it refers to a Job (similar to a backup job) that reads data that was previously backed up to a Volume and writes it to another Volume. As part of this process, the File catalog records associated with the first backup job are purged. In other words, Migration moves Bacula Job data from one Volume to another by reading the Job data from the Volume it is stored on, writing it to a different Volume in a different Pool, and then purging the database records for the first Job.

The section process for which Job or Jobs are migrated can be based on quite a number of different criteria such as:

The details of these selection criteria will be defined below.

To run a Migration job, you must first define a Job resource very similar to a Backup Job but with Type = Migrate instead of Type = Backup. One of the key points to remember is that the Pool that is specified for the migration job is the only pool from which jobs will be migrated, with one exception noted below. In addition, the Pool to which the selected Job or Jobs will be migrated is defined by the Next Pool = ... in the Pool resource specified for the Migration Job.

Bacula permits pools to contain Volumes with different Media Types. However, when doing migration, this is a very undesirable condition. For migration to work properly, you should use pools containing only Volumes of the same Media Type for all migration jobs.

The migration job normally is either manually started or starts from a Schedule much like a backup job. It searches for a previous backup Job or Jobs that match the parameters you have specified in the migration Job resource, primarily a Selection Type (detailed a bit later). Then for each previous backup JobId found, the Migration Job will run a new Job which copies the old Job data from the previous Volume to a new Volume in the Migration Pool. It is possible that no prior Jobs are found for migration, in which case, the Migration job will simply terminate having done nothing, but normally at a minimum, three jobs are involved during a migration:

If the Migration control job finds a number of JobIds to migrate (e.g. it is asked to migrate one or more Volumes), it will start one new migration backup job for each JobId found on the specified Volumes. Please note that Migration doesn't scale too well since Migrations are done on a Job by Job basis. This if you select a very large volume or a number of volumes for migration, you may have a large number of Jobs that start. Because each job must read the same Volume, they will run consecutively (not simultaneously).

Migration Job Resource Directives

The following directives can appear in a Director's Job resource, and they are used to define a Migration job.

Pool = <Pool-name>
The Pool specified in the Migration control Job is not a new directive for the Job resource, but it is particularly important because it determines what Pool will be examined for finding JobIds to migrate. The exception to this is when Selection Type = SQLQuery, in which case no Pool is used, unless you specifically include it in the SQL query. Note, the Pool resource referenced must contain a Next Pool = ... directive to define the Pool to which the data will be migrated.

Type = Migrate
Migrate is a new type that defines the job that is run as being a Migration Job. A Migration Job is a sort of control job and does not have any Files associated with it, and in that sense they are more or less like an Admin job. Migration jobs simply check to see if there is anything to Migrate then possibly start and control new Backup jobs to migrate the data from the specified Pool to another Pool.

Selection Type = <Selection-type-keyword>
The <Selection-type-keyword> determines how the migration job will go about selecting what JobIds to migrate. In most cases, it is used in conjunction with a Selection Pattern to give you fine control over exactly what JobIds are selected. The possible values for <Selection-type-keyword> are:
This selection keyword selects the volume with the fewest bytes from the Pool to be migrated. The Pool to be migrated is the Pool defined in the Migration Job resource. The migration control job will then start and run one migration backup job for each of the Jobs found on this Volume. The Selection Pattern, if specified, is not used.

This selection keyword selects the volume with the oldest last write time in the Pool to be migrated. The Pool to be migrated is the Pool defined in the Migration Job resource. The migration control job will then start and run one migration backup job for each of the Jobs found on this Volume. The Selection Pattern, if specified, is not used.

The Client selection type, first selects all the Clients that have been backed up in the Pool specified by the Migration Job resource, then it applies the Selection Pattern (defined below) as a regular expression to the list of Client names, giving a filtered Client name list. All jobs that were backed up for those filtered (regexed) Clients will be migrated. The migration control job will then start and run one migration backup job for each of the JobIds found for those filtered Clients.

The Volume selection type, first selects all the Volumes that have been backed up in the Pool specified by the Migration Job resource, then it applies the Selection Pattern (defined below) as a regular expression to the list of Volume names, giving a filtered Volume list. All JobIds that were backed up for those filtered (regexed) Volumes will be migrated. The migration control job will then start and run one migration backup job for each of the JobIds found on those filtered Volumes.

The Job selection type, first selects all the Jobs (as defined on the Name directive in a Job resource) that have been backed up in the Pool specified by the Migration Job resource, then it applies the Selection Pattern (defined below) as a regular expression to the list of Job names, giving a filtered Job name list. All JobIds that were run for those filtered (regexed) Job names will be migrated. Note, for a given Job named, they can be many jobs (JobIds) that ran. The migration control job will then start and run one migration backup job for each of the Jobs found.

The SQLQuery selection type, used the Selection Pattern as an SQL query to obtain the JobIds to be migrated. The Selection Pattern must be a valid SELECT SQL statement for your SQL engine, and it must return the JobId as the first field of the SELECT.

This selection type will cause the Migration job to compute the total size of the specified pool for all Media Types combined. If it exceeds the Migration High Bytes defined in the Pool, the Migration job will migrate all JobIds beginning with the oldest Volume in the pool (determined by Last Write time) until the Pool bytes drop below the Migration Low Bytes defined in the Pool. This calculation should be consider rather approximative because it is made once by the Migration job before migration is begun, and thus does not take into account additional data written into the Pool during the migration. In addition, the calculation of the total Pool byte size is based on the Volume bytes saved in the Volume (Media) database entries. The bytes calculate for Migration is based on the value stored in the Job records of the Jobs to be migrated. These do not include the Storage daemon overhead as is in the total Pool size. As a consequence, normally, the migration will migrate more bytes than strictly necessary.

The PoolTime selection type will cause the Migration job to look at the time each JobId has been in the Pool since the job ended. All Jobs in the Pool longer than the time specified on Migration Time directive in the Pool resource will be migrated.

Selection Pattern = <Quoted-string>
The Selection Patterns permitted for each Selection-type-keyword are described above.

For the OldestVolume and SmallestVolume, this Selection pattern is not used (ignored).

For the Client, Volume, and Job keywords, this pattern must be a valid regular expression that will filter the appropriate item names found in the Pool.

For the SQLQuery keyword, this pattern must be a valid SELECT SQL statement that returns JobIds.

Migration Pool Resource Directives

The following directives can appear in a Director's Pool resource, and they are used to define a Migration job.

Migration Time = <time-specification>
If a PoolTime migration is done, the time specified here in seconds (time modifiers are permitted -- e.g. hours, ...) will be used. If the previous Backup Job or Jobs selected have been in the Pool longer than the specified PoolTime, then they will be migrated.

Migration High Bytes = <byte-specification>
This directive specifies the number of bytes in the Pool which will trigger a migration if a PoolOccupancy migration selection type has been specified. The fact that the Pool usage goes above this level does not automatically trigger a migration job. However, if a migration job runs and has the PoolOccupancy selection type set, the Migration High Bytes will be applied. Bacula does not currently restrict a pool to have only a single Media Type, so you must keep in mind that if you mix Media Types in a Pool, the results may not be what you want, as the Pool count of all bytes will be for all Media Types combined.

Migration Low Bytes = <byte-specification>
This directive specifies the number of bytes in the Pool which will stop a migration if a PoolOccupancy migration selection type has been specified and triggered by more than Migration High Bytes being in the pool. In other words, once a migration job is started with PoolOccupancy migration selection and it determines that there are more than Migration High Bytes, the migration job will continue to run jobs until the number of bytes in the Pool drop to or below Migration Low Bytes.

Next Pool = <pool-specification>
The Next Pool directive specifies the pool to which Jobs will be migrated. This directive is required to define the Pool into which the data will be migrated. Without this directive, the migration job will terminate in error.

Storage = <storage-specification>
The Storage directive specifies what Storage resource will be used for all Jobs that use this Pool. It takes precedence over any other Storage specifications that may have been given such as in the Schedule Run directive, or in the Job resource. We highly recommend that you define the Storage resource to be used in the Pool rather than elsewhere (job, schedule run, ...).

Important Migration Considerations

Example Migration Jobs

When you specify a Migration Job, you must specify all the standard directives as for a Job. However, certain such as the Level, Client, and FileSet, though they must be defined, are ignored by the Migration job because the values from the original job used instead.

As an example, suppose you have the following Job that you run every night. To note: there is no Storage directive in the Job resource; there is a Storage directive in each of the Pool resources; the Pool to be migrated (File) contains a Next Pool directive that defines the output Pool (where the data is written by the migration job).

# Define the backup Job
Job {
  Name = "NightlySave"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental                 # default
  FileSet="Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default

# Default pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = yes
  Recycle = yes
  Next Pool = Tape
  Storage = File
  LabelFormat = "File"

# Tape pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Tape
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = yes
  Recycle = yes
  Storage = DLTDrive

# Definition of File storage device
Storage {
  Name = File
  Address = rufus
  Password = "ccV3lVTsQRsdIUGyab0N4sMDavui2hOBkmpBU0aQKOr9"
  Device = "File"          # same as Device in Storage daemon
  Media Type = File        # same as MediaType in Storage daemon

# Definition of DLT tape storage device
Storage {
  Name = DLTDrive
  Address = rufus
  Password = "ccV3lVTsQRsdIUGyab0N4sMDavui2hOBkmpBU0aQKOr9"
  Device = "HP DLT 80"      # same as Device in Storage daemon
  Media Type = DLT8000      # same as MediaType in Storage daemon

Where we have included only the essential information -- i.e. the Director, FileSet, Catalog, Client, Schedule, and Messages resources are omitted.

As you can see, by running the NightlySave Job, the data will be backed up to File storage using the Default pool to specify the Storage as File.

Now, if we add the following Job resource to this conf file.

Job {
  Name = "migrate-volume"
  Type = Migrate
  Level = Full
  Client = rufus-fd 
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
  Selection Type = Volume
  Selection Pattern = "File"

and then run the job named migrate-volume, all volumes in the Pool named Default (as specified in the migrate-volume Job that match the regular expression pattern File will be migrated to tape storage DLTDrive because the Next Pool in the Default Pool specifies that Migrations should go to the pool named Tape, which uses Storage DLTDrive.

If instead, we use a Job resource as follows:

Job {
  Name = "migrate"
  Type = Migrate
  Level = Full
  Client = rufus-fd
  FileSet="Full Set"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
  Selection Type = Job 
  Selection Pattern = ".*Save"

All jobs ending with the name Save will be migrated from the File Default to the Tape Pool, or from File storage to Tape storage.

Backup Strategies

Although Recycling and Backing Up to Disk Volume have been discussed in previous chapters, this chapter is meant to give you an overall view of possible backup strategies and to explain their advantages and disadvantages.

Simple One Tape Backup

Probably the simplest strategy is to back everything up to a single tape and insert a new (or recycled) tape when it fills and Bacula requests a new one.



Practical Details

This system is very simple. When the tape fills and Bacula requests a new tape, you unmount the tape from the Console program, insert a new tape and label it. In most cases after the label, Bacula will automatically mount the tape and resume the backup. Otherwise, you simply mount the tape.

Using this strategy, one typically does a Full backup once a week followed by daily Incremental backups. To minimize the amount of data written to the tape, one can do (as I do) a Full backup once a month on the first Sunday of the month, a Differential backup on the 2nd-5th Sunday of the month, and incremental backups the rest of the week.

Manually Changing Tapes

If you use the strategy presented above, Bacula will ask you to change the tape, and you will unmount it and then remount it when you have inserted the new tape.

If you do not wish to interact with Bacula to change each tape, there are several ways to get Bacula to release the tape:

Daily Tape Rotation

This scheme is quite different from the one mentioned above in that a Full backup is done to a different tape every day of the week. Generally, the backup will cycle continuously through 5 or 6 tapes each week. Variations are to use a different tape each Friday, and possibly at the beginning of the month. Thus if backups are done Monday through Friday only, you need only 5 tapes, and by having two Friday tapes, you need a total of 6 tapes. Many sites run this way, or using modifications of it based on two week cycles or longer.



Practical Details

The simplest way to "force" Bacula to use a different tape each day is to define a different Pool for each day of the the week a backup is done. In addition, you will need to specify appropriate Job and File retention periods so that Bacula will relabel and overwrite the tape each week rather than appending to it. Nic Bellamy has supplied an actual working model of this which we include here.

What is important is to create a different Pool for each day of the week, and on the run statement in the Schedule, to specify which Pool is to be used. He has one Schedule that accomplishes this, and a second Schedule that does the same thing for the Catalog backup run each day after the main backup (Priorities were not available when this script was written). In addition, he uses a Max Start Delay of 22 hours so that if the wrong tape is premounted by the operator, the job will be automatically canceled, and the backup cycle will re-synchronize the next day. He has named his Friday Pool WeeklyPool because in that Pool, he wishes to have several tapes to be able to restore to a time older than one week.

And finally, in his Storage daemon's Device resource, he has Automatic Mount = yes and Always Open = No. This is necessary for the tape ejection to work in his script below.

For example, his bacula-dir.conf file looks like the following:

# /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
# Bacula Director Configuration file
Director {
  Name = ServerName
  DIRport = 9101
  QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
  WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
  PidDirectory = "/var/run"
  SubSysDirectory = "/var/lock/subsys"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
  Password = "console-pass"
  Messages = Standard
# Define the main nightly save backup job
Job {
  Name = "NightlySave"
  Type = Backup
  Client = ServerName
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = Tape
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/NightlySave.bsr"
  Max Start Delay = 22h
# Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save)
Job {
  Name = "BackupCatalog"
  Type = Backup
  Client = ServerName
  FileSet = "Catalog"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  Storage = Tape
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
 # This creates an ASCII copy of the catalog
  RunBeforeJob = "/usr/lib/bacula/make_catalog_backup -u bacula"
 # This deletes the copy of the catalog, and ejects the tape
  RunAfterJob  = "/etc/bacula/"
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
  Max Start Delay = 22h
# Standard Restore template, changed by Console program
Job {
  Name = "RestoreFiles"
  Type = Restore
  Client = ServerName
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Storage = Tape
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Where = /tmp/bacula-restores
# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include = signature=MD5 {
  Exclude = { /proc /tmp /.journal }
# When to do the backups
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=MondayPool Monday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=TuesdayPool Tuesday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=WednesdayPool Wednesday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=ThursdayPool Thursday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPool Friday at 8:00pm
# This does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=MondayPool Monday at 8:15pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=TuesdayPool Tuesday at 8:15pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=WednesdayPool Wednesday at 8:15pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=ThursdayPool Thursday at 8:15pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPool Friday at 8:15pm
# This is the backup of the catalog
FileSet {
  Name = "Catalog"
  Include = signature=MD5 {
# Client (File Services) to backup
Client {
  Name = ServerName
  Address = dionysus
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "client-pass"
  File Retention = 30d
  Job Retention = 30d
  AutoPrune = yes
# Definition of file storage device
Storage {
  Name = Tape
  Address = dionysus
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "storage-pass"
  Device = Tandberg
  Media Type = MLR1
# Generic catalog service
Catalog {
  Name = MyCatalog
  dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = ""
# Reasonable message delivery -- send almost all to email address
#  and to the console
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\"
     -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\"
     -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped
  operator = root@localhost = mount
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
# Pool definitions
# Default Pool for jobs, but will hold no actual volumes
Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
Pool {
  Name = MondayPool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 6d
  Accept Any Volume = yes
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 2
Pool {
  Name = TuesdayPool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 6d
  Accept Any Volume = yes
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 2
Pool {
  Name = WednesdayPool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 6d
  Accept Any Volume = yes
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 2
Pool {
  Name = ThursdayPool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 6d
  Accept Any Volume = yes
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 2
Pool {
  Name = WeeklyPool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 12d
  Accept Any Volume = yes
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 2

Note, the mailcommand and operatorcommand should be on a single line each. They were split to preserve the proper page width. In order to get Bacula to release the tape after the nightly backup, he uses a RunAfterJob script that deletes the ASCII copy of the database back and then rewinds and ejects the tape. The following is a copy of

#! /bin/sh
mt rewind
mt eject
exit 0

Finally, if you list his Volumes, you get something like the following:

*list media
Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
Pool: WeeklyPool
| MeId| VolumeName| MedTyp| VolStat| VolBytes  | LastWritten     | VolRet| Recyc|
| 5   | Friday_1  | MLR1  | Used   | 2157171998| 2003-07-11 20:20| 103680| 1    |
| 6   | Friday_2  | MLR1  | Append | 0         | 0               | 103680| 1    |
Pool: MondayPool
| MeId| VolumeName| MedTyp| VolStat| VolBytes  | LastWritten     | VolRet| Recyc|
| 2   | Monday    | MLR1  | Used   | 2260942092| 2003-07-14 20:20| 518400| 1    |
Pool: TuesdayPool
| MeId| VolumeName| MedTyp| VolStat| VolBytes  | LastWritten     | VolRet| Recyc|
| 3   | Tuesday   | MLR1  | Used   | 2268180300| 2003-07-15 20:20| 518400| 1    |
Pool: WednesdayPool
| MeId| VolumeName| MedTyp| VolStat| VolBytes  | LastWritten     | VolRet| Recyc|
| 4   | Wednesday | MLR1  | Used   | 2138871127| 2003-07-09 20:2 | 518400| 1    |
Pool: ThursdayPool
| MeId| VolumeName| MedTyp| VolStat| VolBytes  | LastWritten     | VolRet| Recyc|
| 1   | Thursday  | MLR1  | Used   | 2146276461| 2003-07-10 20:50| 518400| 1    |
Pool: Default
No results to list.

Note, I have truncated a number of the columns so that the information fits on the width of a page.

Kern Sibbald 2008-01-31