This is a minor new release with several new features and a number of bug fixes. The catalog datbase format remains unchanged from the 9.4.4 release

Note: Release-9.6.0 had a build error when using readline, Release-9.6.1 had an inappropriate file size for the readline history file, and Release-9.6.2 had some incorrect copyrights, so all three releases have been withdrawn.

Major Baculum New Features:
- SELinux support
- New graph types
- Graphical client status
- Graphical running job status
- Capability to start, stop and restart components
- Support for commands that can take a long time (label, estimate...)
- List job files tab on the job history page
- Bandwidth limit setting for client and for job
- New statistics configuration page
- Improvements to responsive interface
- Option to show size unit values as decimal or binary bytes
- Support for new directives
- New Web controls (password, speed, multiple textbox)
- New API functions
- Job history list on job page

Bacula New features:
- Docker plugin. Documentation for this plugin is not yet ready,
but will be forthcoming within a few weeks.
- Statistics Collector for Dir, FD, and SD (interface to Graphite)
- New Statistics resource
Documentation for this feature is in the New Features section of
the main manual
- Support for MacOS suspend in File daemon
- SD SyncOnClose directive in Device resource

- Eliminate false error when droping postgres table MAC
- Apply Carsten's character set fix for the docs. Many thanks!
- Fix logic error in clearing bit on Windows
- baculum: Update Portuguese translations
- baculum: Update Polish translations
- baculum: Add patch to PRADO framework 4.0.1 for supporting PostgreSQL 12
catalog database
- baculum: Add support for PostgreSQL 12 catalog database
- Enhance failed bpipe to changer error message
- Clean up some incorrect copyrights
- Correct spelling errors in messages
- Add to plugins links
- baculum: Add bulk actions for job history and volume tables
- baculum: Update DataTables and its plugins
- docker: Update copyright headers.
- Update BSD copyright on * files
- docker: Remove unneeded tar binary.
- Fix workaround for Sun C++ recommended by Phil Stracchino
- baculum: Update Polish translations
- baculum: Update Portuguese translations
- Apply fix for history size from Martin Simmons
- Fix missing part of patch 8135b9d21d -- readline truncate fix
- baculum: Fix using bconsole with sudo on Fedora if SELinux is enabled
- baculum: Add copy, CSV and column visibility buttons to tables
- baculum: Add buttons and colvis DataTables plugins
- baculum: Add additional values to job and volume API endpoints
- docker: Replace realloc_pm() for check_size().
- Update pluglib.
- Fix Docker Plugin for accurate backup.
- Docker: add baculatar docker image.
- Win32: update Windows build to including needed collector files
- Get Branch-9.4 ReleaseNotes
- Update po and version
- Get ChangeLog from Branch-9.4
- baculum: Update Polish translations for API and Web
- baculum: Update Portuguese translations for API and Web
- Fix cats-test.c compile
- baculum: Upgrade W3.CSS from version 4.10 to 4.13
- Add Docker Plugin for FileDaemon.
- Add pluglib fd plugin support utilities.
- Redesigning PM management add missing files.
- baculum: Fix delete job button visibility
- baculum: Add to BVFS lsdirs, lsfiles and versions endpoints new output=raw/j
- baculum: Update spec and deb files
- baculum: Do not try to switch to new user in API and Web install wizards
- baculum: Improve Polish translations
- baculum: Fix maximum length for basic auth password fields
- baculum: Start storing basic auth passwords in APR MD5 format
- baculum: Fix button to reopen change user password setting
- baculum: Fix sorting clients in fileset browser window
- baculum: Improve showing create new resource messages
- baculum: Improve texts in restore wizard
- baculum: Use new icons in restore and fileset browsers
- baculum: Fix PHP error on storage view page with autochanger comming from
host different than main (reported by Jose Alberto)
- baculum: Fix internal error on restore page if MySQL catalog database is
- baculum: Avoid doing redundant API calls by job monitor
- baculum: Add support to restore from copy jobs
- baculum: Add API changes to support restore from copy jobs
- baculum: Add script for checking if Baculum files are installed correctly
- baculum: Refactor authentication, authorization and exceptions
- Fix #5708 about "cancel all" command issue
- baculum: Bandwidth limit window improvements
- baculum: Add auto-refreshing job tables
- baculum: Add progress bar to restore jobs on status client
- baculum: Add job name parameter to monitor
- baculum: Add table filters
- baculum: Add restore progress bar
- baculum: In job status avoid calling client if job isn't running
- Fix compilation on Solaris
- baculum: Extend max length for client secret field to maximum allowed secret
- baculum: Improvements to messages resource
- baculum: Implement swipe event and use it to hide main menu on mobile device
- baculum: Group directives into sections in config directive list
- baculum: Fix problem with shaking spinning icons on Firefox
- baculum: Add confirm window to delete job action
- baculum: Add job history list on job page
- baculum: Fix loading first job setting in run job window on window open
- baculum: Add in API wizard example sudo configuration for bconsole and JSON
- baculum: Make resource config page buttons always available
- baculum: Fix language setting in config wizard during first run
- baculum: Fix refreshing job status only when actions tab is open
- baculum: Miscellaneous improvements to schedule configuration
- baculum: Extend combobox control to support associative arrays as data
- Fix for #0005391: show negative values.
- Fix #5546 about incorrect level for job resumed
- baculum: Move refresh job button and log order button to job log tab
- baculum: Set job values on job selection in run job window
- baculum: Turn application mode to normal
- baculum: Add jsmin-php as framework dependency
- baculum: Fix small issues with old not using svg icons
- Fix error on .ls when plugin name without ':'
- baculum: Add list job files to job history view page
- baculum: Add list job files API endpoint
- tray-monitor: fix potential memory corruption
- Fix #5461 #5513 #4717 About WroteVol non-zero message
- Update Docker Plugin build procedure.
- docker: Add Docker Plugin DKID unittest.
- Add Docker Plugin regression tests - more files.
- Add Docker Plugin regression tests.
- build: Add Makefile update to fd plugin builds.
- baculum: Fix PHP error on running job status page and client status page
- baculum: Fix support for UTF-8 currency symbols in paths - reported by
Frédéric F.
- Fix running job count in status output
- baculum: Fix directing to default API page when API settings has not been
created yet
- baculum: Set default refresh interval for status client
- baculum: Improve selecting storage value in run job window
- baculum: Fix saving to config empty runscript subresources
- baculum: Add graphical running job status on running job page
- baculum: Add progress bars to backup jobs displaying on status client page
- baculum: Fix displaying SqlQuery value in selection type job directive
- baculum: Add to client status modal window to set bandwidth limit for job
- baculum: Add API endpoint to set job bandwidth limit
- baculum: Add to client status modal window to set bandwidth limit for client
- baculum: Add API endpoint to set client bandwidth limit
- baculum: Add UnitType and AllowRemove parameters to speed type directive
- baculum: Don not use data description and data dependencies modules initiali
- baculum: Improve checking dependencies
- baculum: Fix running job twice when job is running by run job window
- baculum: Changes to proper working list type controls on page load
- baculum: Change Font Awesome SVG icons into web fonts icons
- Add new psk-enable-test
- baculum: Fix removing fileset options subresources
- baculum: Make loading configuration controls easier
- baculum: Enable adding multiple file set file browser controls on the same
- baculum: Fix using nested directives in repeater control
- baculum: Misc changes to keep backward compatibility in API endpoints
- baculum: Fix scrolling to new runscript subresource on add new runscript
- baculum: Change way of working directive renderer
- baculum: Split API panel, oauth, api and page parts into separate services
- baculum: Add component start/stop/restart actions to Web
- baculum: Update API SELinux module for new component action policies
- baculum: Implement component start/stop/restart actions in API
- baculum: Show error message on status client request if client is not availa
- baculum: Implement graphical status client
- baculum: Update Font Awesome icons to version 5.9.0
- baculum: Add output=raw/json parameter to show client API endpoint
- baculum: Add status client API endpoint
- baculum: Remove deprecated and not used directives
- baculum: On restore wizard job list add link to job history for specific
- baculum: Fix showing job size value on jobs on volume page
- baculum: Minor fixes and improvements in fileset file browser
- baculum: Allow dollar character in bconsole commands (used for paths)
- baculum: Enable restoring data from locations included in paths defined in
- baculum: Make 'Run job' and 'Perform restore' buttons clickable at whole
theirs area
- baculum: Miscellaneous improvements to use restore file browsers on differen
screen sizes and mobile devices
- baculum: Fix removing items from selected file browser in restore wizard
- baculum: Unify config module menus look
- baculum: Create multiple combobox control and use it in console ACL directiv
- baculum: Add timeout to first refresh job log to have log output earlier
- baculum: Do not show unknown job level for admin job type
- baculum: Add new directives and new resources support
- baculum: Fix setting selected items in list directive controls
- baculum: Add version number to API and Web - idea proposed by Wanderlei
- baculum: Disable emulation prepared statements for MySQL to solve problem
getting every value as string
- baculum: Apply framework patch that fixes SQL error when native MySQL prepar
statements are used
- baculum: Add new graph types
- baculum: Add statistics resource support
- baculum: Add option to show size unit values as decimal or binary bytes
- Add a Bacula statistics collection routine.
- Fix incorrect ASSERTD().
- baculum: Fix showing unit for size and time period directive types
- baculum: Add missing speed type control to support speed type directives -
reported by Wanderlei Huttel
- Fix comment
- baculum: Fix #2477 escaping backslashes in config in text directive types
- Fix bug 2476 -- copy/migration jobs fail when waiting for a new Volume
- Add copy-jobspan-label-wait-test to do_all
- Add two new regression tests submitted by Martin Simmons for bug 2476
- Add bsmtp Message-Id/MIME-Version/Content-Type headers.
- baculum: Fix #2474 error 404 if document root path uses link with ending
slash - fix suggested by vondi
- Add Michael Narigon as author for Mac heap implementation
- Remove bacula32.def and bacula64.def.
- Redesigning PM management and add support for macOS.
- baculum: Add password field control and use it for password directives
- baculum: Add SELinux modules for Web and API
- baculum: Remove php database extensions dependency from web requirements
- Add tests/restart-jobmedia-test to do_all
- baculum: Update API documentation to job estimate endpoint
- baculum: Use in run job window estimate command in background to avoid HTTP
- baculum: Move running job estimation to background in API part
- baculum: Prevent selecting in restore file browser directories placed in
locations that are outside paths defined in fileset - reported by Wanderlei
- baculum: Fix removing path items selected to restore in restore wizard
- baculum: Fix clearing restore path field after selecting backup in restore
- baculum: Update API documentation
- baculum: Add API endpoints to update slots with and without barcodes and use
them in on web interface side
- baculum: Use on web interface side new API endpoints to label volume with an
without barcodes
- baculum: Add API endpoints to label volume with and without barcodes
- baculum: Update run job API endpoint in API documentation
- baculum: Request #2469 add start and cancel buttons on job history list
- baculum: Add filesetid parameter to run job API endpoint
- baculum: Set column visibility priorities for status schedule tables in
responsive mode
- baculum: Add status schedule endpoint to API documentation
- baculum: Fix showing graphs if exists finished job with empty start time
- baculum: Fix TPhpFatalErrorException exception on job view page with PHP
version lower than 5.5
- baculum: Extend log parser to support restore client, job name and volume
- Rework fsync patch for win32
- Fix Windows SD compilation
- Add Cython detection
- Add SyncOnClose Storage Device directive
- Add db_get_jobmedia_record() function
- Check JobMedia validity after an incomplete job

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
0005391 2469 2474 2477 5461 5546 5708