Status Reports

Bacula Mini-Status

On Monday 9 February, Bacula Systems SA and Bareos GmbH & Co KG have reached a settlement concerning the proceedings pending in Lausanne, Switzerland, pursuant to which parties have withdrawn their respective claims. The terms of their settlement agreement are confidential.

Bacula Status Report 30 August 2014

I would like to bring you up to date on the following items: 1. Bacula Release Status 2. Windows Binaries 3. Bacula Enterprise 4. Vacation 1. Bacula Release Status As you probably are aware, the current version of Bacula is 7.0.5, which appears to be quite stable.  I have seen a few reports of seg […]

Bacula Status Report 26 March 2014

I would like to briefly talk about the following things: 1. Status of Bacula version 7.0.0 2. The Bacula Conference Status of Bacula version 7.0.0: What is completed is the following: Bacula 7.0.0 source release Bacula 7.0.0 new features documentation New Bacula documentation look + fixed links A new open source License for the documentation (Creative […]

Status Report

The new Bacula version 7.0.0 is coming along quite well.  We still need to do compatibility testing to ensure that old FDs are compatible. The new manual is looking nice. Unfortunately it will need to wait another couple months to get the cleanup, but at least the links are now fixed. The only missing piece […]

Status Report 2 March 2014

Hello, There are three main topics for this status report: 1. The Next Bacula Release 2. The Bacula Conference 3. Proposed Source Code License Modification 1. The Next Bacula Release The next Bacula release will be officially announced at the Bacula Conference on the 21st of March, but I want to let you know that […]

Documentation License Change

Hello, As part of the website redesign (still in progress), we have also reworked the Bacula manuals to fix the broken links between the 5 documents as well as to include a new more modern cover page.  Hopefully before the end of March when the next Bacula release is scheduled (it may be deferred into […]

Status Report 07 Feb 2014

Bacula Status report 7 February 2014 First, I would like to thank all of you who have both on and off the Bacula lists sent me very kind emails thanking me and encouraging me. The main purposes of this email are: 1.  Bacula 2 The Bacula Conference 1. Bacula: I know that some of you […]

Bacula Conference

You are invited to the first International Bacula Users and Partners Conference to be held in Berlin on 21 March 2014 with a dinner offered by Bacula Systems on the evening of 20 March 2014. For more information, please visit the following link:

Bacula Status Report

Hello, I would like to speak to you about the following points: 1. The rumors of the death of Bacula (the Community version) 2. Bacula Systems and the FSFE (Free Software Foundation Europe) 3. The future of Bacula (the Community version) 1. The rumors of the death of Bacula (the Community version): I borrow words […]

About the author

Rob Morrison

Rob Morrison started his IT career with Silicon Graphics in Switzerland, which developed into a wide variety of IT management roles for almost 10 years. He has subsequently held various management positions in professional open source companies such as JBoss, Red Hat and Pentaho, contributing to the growth of these well-known companies. He is a graduate of Plymouth University and holds an Digital Media and Communications BSc Honours degree, and completed an Overseas Studies Program.